Cultivating Well-being Through Body and Movement Play 

Dr. Caroline P. Cárdenas is a play researcher and consultant for helping professionals within healthcare, education, and corporate sectors. She has 20 years of experience as an oncology and hospice nurse working in various healthcare institutions throughout the United States, and has received unique leadership training within her doctoral program in Imaginal Psychology at Meridian University. Dr. Cárdenas’ doctoral research, The Significance of Play in Restoring Compassion published in ProQuest, examined helping professionals’ experiencing symptoms of compassion fatigue and the restorative function body and movement play affords emotional and psychological well-being.

Dr. Cárdenas offers a fun and exciting transformative learning approach to understanding the phenomenon of play. She serves as a compassionate guide facilitating helping professionals to engage their imaginative and creative capacities, and understand from an in-depth experiential process how play can nurture emotional and psychological well-being, restore empathy and compassion, and foster pro-social connections.

Grounded in research, Dr. Cárdenas teaches about the realities of burnout and compassion fatigue that negatively impact helping professionals, and the positive effects play affords physiological, psychological and sociological well-being. Through her play workshops, seminars, and leadership coaching, Dr. Cárdenas guides transformative learning experiences to support helping professionals’ understanding about the significance of play on quality of life and well-being and helps them learn how to incorporate play into their personal and professional lives.

Transformative Learning for

Healthcare, Education, and Corporate Sectors:

  • Play Workshops

    • In-Person

    • Webinars

  • Seminars

    • In-Person

    • Webinars

  • Conference Presenter

  • Panalist in a Plenary Session

  • Leadership Coaching

To learn more about availability, rate and services, contact Dr. Cárdenas

“The most significant aspect of play is that it allows us to express our joy and connect most deeply with the best in ourselves, and in others. As Freud said, life is about love and work, yet play transcends these, infuses them with liveliness and stills time’s arrow. Play is the purest expression of love.” 
-Dr. Stuart Brown