Are you a helping professional?

Are you experiencing burnout or compassion fATIGUE?


Dr. Caroline P. Cárdenas is psychologist, oncology and hospice nurse, advisor, counselor, play researcher, consultant, educator, and facilitator. She has over 20 years of experience in working with clients in the realm of grief and joy.

Dr. Cárdenas offers a humanistic, empathic, and compassionate approach to coaching that is coupled with her educational training in Imaginal Psychology and her professional expertise in guiding clients through personal and professional life challenges, as well as major life events. Her dissertation, The Significance of Play in Restoring Compassion, published in ProQuest, explores helping professionals experiencing symptoms of compassion fatigue and the impact the activity of body and movement play has on restoring empathy and compassion.

With 20 years as an oncology and hospice nurse working in prestigious healthcare institutions throughout the United States including Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, University of Miami Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center, City of Hope, and the UC San Diego Health Moores Cancer Center, Dr. Cárdenas supports helping professionals experiencing the negative impact of burnout and compassion fatigue, facilitating their understanding of such occupational hazards when working within healthcare systems and witnessing human suffering. Dr. Cárdenas provides applicable tools for helping professionals to cultivate emotional and psychological well-being.

If you are a nurse, social worker, physician, psychologist, dietitian, teacher, community of practice leader, firefighter, lifeguard or any other helping professional that works within the healthcare or educational system, or provides social services within your community to vulnerable populations, and are experiencing burnout or compassion fatigue, schedule a complimentary consultation.